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This page is to show how many vehicles are on the road along with how many miles traveled on vehicles that have been returned. Along with other interesting pieces of information. Click on links to the left to see vehicles and other information. |
BMTM Founded March of 2007
First vehicle went out May of 2007 |
Number of BMTM vehicles in fleet. 43 vehicles for missionary or church use 1 24 foot box truck for churches & missionary use |
Number of BMTM vehicles currently on the road. 26 |
Total times that BMTM vehicles have been used in the past by missionaries and pastors. 386 |
Miles logged on vehicles used in the past. 6,361,462 Miles These miles don't include vehicles that are currently on the road. |
Most miles traveled by one family. 152,811 Miles |
Longest time a BMTM vehicle has been out. 3 Years, 5 Months |
Longest time a missionary has been in BMTM vehicles. 4 Years, 8 Months |
Total times that BMTM has picked up, dropped off, or met someone at Kansas City International Airport (MCI), or another airport. 402 |
Total times that BMTM has picked up, dropped off, or met someone at Lawrence Smith Memorial Airport, Regional airport in Harrsionville, MO. 2 |
Total times that BMTM has picked up, dropped off, or met someone at a Church.
3 |
Total times that BMTM has picked up or dropped off someone at a Bus Terminal. 3 |
Total times that BMTM has picked up or dropped off someone, at the Amtrak Train Station at Union Station, Kansas City, MO, or Lee's Summit, MO. 15 |
Total times that BMTM vehicles have swapped out with another missionary, in another state. 36 |
Total times that BMTM has flown to an airport or took a train or drove out , to drop off or pick up a vehicle for a missionary. 28 |
The number of missions boards that BMTM has been able to visit with about the ministry.
2 |
The most BMTM vehicles that have gone out in one day.
4 |
BMTM vehicles involved in a accident that was our fault . 22 |
BMTM vehicles involved in an accident that was not our fault. 26 |
BMTM vehicles that were totalled out in an accident .
5 |
BMTM vehicles pulled out a ditch. 3 |
The number of deer hit by a BMTM vehicle.
8 |
The number of BMTM vehicles STOLEN. 1 |
Rock chips repaired on BMTM vehicle windshields. 61 |
Windshields replaced on a BMTM vehicle. 27 |
Vandalism or theft of items from a BMTM vehicle. 8 |
Transmissions that have been rebuilt on a BMTM vehicle. 16 |
Automative Camera Violations Toll violations mailed to us for a BMTM vehicle. 42 Speeding violations mailed to us for a BMTM vehicle. 3 Failure to Stop violations mailed to us for a BMTM vehicle. 6 |
GPS's stolen from a BMTM vehicle. 3 |